UCLA/Getty Conservation Program

A graduate conservation training program focusing on the conservation of archaeological and ethnographic materials


The UCLA/Getty Master’s Program in the Conservation of Archaeological and Ethnographic Materials is a cooperative effort between UCLA and the Getty Conservation Institute. Administered through the Cotsen Institute of Archaeology, the program grants a three-year M.A. degree in Conservation. The mission of the program is to educate and train students in the highest standard of conservation practice and decision-making and to prepare them to work as professionals in the preservation of archaeological and cultural materials.

The program provides a multidisciplinary education drawn from collaborations within the university, and with conservation specialists at both the Getty Conservation Institute and Getty Museum, as well as at regional museums. It is distinguished by its emphasis on materials, technologies, and cultural preservation closely associated with archaeological and ethnographic objects, found both in collections as well as on site, including rock art, wall paintings and mosaics. Stressing the importance of working within a cultural context and as part of an interdisciplinary team, the program emphasizes the collaborative nature of conservation. Program goals include enhancing the standards of conservation treatment and research through the application of both cultural understanding and scientific methods of documentation, examination, analysis, and practice.

For more information on the UCLA/Getty Program, please visit our website.

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