UCLA/Getty Conservation Program

A graduate conservation training program focusing on the conservation of archaeological and ethnographic materials

Prof. Ioanna Kakoulli featured in latest issue of “UCLA Engineer” magazine

Prof. Ioanna Kakoulli, who in addition to being a faculty member in the UCLA/Getty Conservation Program also has a joint teaching appointment in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering, is featured in the latest issue of UCLA Engineer magazine. The article highlights some of her past and recent research projects in addition to a discussion of the multi-disciplinary aspects of her work.

article Kakoulli "UCLA Engineer"

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Internship News: Treatment of Aleut/Alutiiq boots at the Alaska State Museum

For the first part of her third year internship, Lauren Horelick (’10) is working at the Alaska State Museums under the supervision of conservator Ellen Carrlee. Lauren will be carrying out treatments of several objects in addition to helping to develop an Alaskan Fur Id project, the aim of which is to aid in the characterization of various furs seen in Alaskan cultural objects. One of the objects Lauren has treated, a pair of Aleut/Alutiiq child’s knee boots, was featured as the Sheldon Jackson Museum’s artifact of the month. The boots, reportedly made from sea lion esophagus and sealskin, underwent examination and treatment that involved adhesive testing, cleaning, humidification, tear mending and loss compensation. To learn more about the boots, you can read the museum’s press release.

Lauren Horelick (left) treats a pair of Aleut/Alutiiq boots with help from her supervisor, conservator Ellen Carrllee (right)

Lauren Horelick (left) treats a pair of Aleut/Alutiiq boots with help from her supervisor, conservator Ellen Carrllee (right)

Video features UCLA/Getty Program exhibition

Check out this video made during the opening of the UCLA/Getty Conservation Program’s exhibition this spring. The exhibit, which was held at UCLA’s Young Research Library, featured Native American objects from the collection of the Agua Caliente Cultural Museum. Students from the class of 2010 worked on the objects as part of the course entitled “Ethnography and Conservation” taught by Prof. Ellen Pearlstein. In the video, Prof. Pearlstein and several of the students discuss the exhibit and the work undertaken researching and treating the objects, as well as preparing the exhibit itself.

UCLA/Getty Program Exhibit
Objects courtesy of the Agua Caliente Cultural Museum